IB - PYP Music Standards Overview

(Taken from the IB - PYP website)

Primary Years Programme

Music inquiry (Adapted from the PYP Music Scope and Sequence 2004)

What do we want students to learn?

The music scope and sequence framework identifies the major expectations considered essential in the PYP. These expectations are arranged into four strands: performing, creating and composing, notation and listening and appreciation. The performing strand is organized into sub-strands of singing and playing instruments. Each of the strands is addressed separately, although in practice they are interactive and interrelated elements.

In performing: singing, students sing a repertoire of songs to display confidence, expression and an awareness of musical elements such as pitch and rhythm. Singing lies at the heart of the music curriculum as the voice is the most immediately available instrument for all students regardless of their age or ability. In performing: playing instruments, students play musical pieces using a range of instruments to demonstrate style, expression, and an understanding of melodic direction, tempo and dynamics. They perform solo and as part of an ensemble for an audience, and follow directions from a conductor.

In creating and composing, students use their imagination and musical experience to organize sounds into various forms that communicate specific ideas or moods.

In notation, students use non-traditional and traditional notation to record their compositions.

In listening and appreciation, students are given the opportunity to identify and describe various musical elements such as rhythmic patterns, melodic patterns and form. They distinguish between a range of instrumental sounds and respond to different styles of music, as well as to music from different times and cultures. As humans, we tend to like what we are familiar with and so an important aim of the music curriculum is to expose students to a wide and varied repertoire of musical styles.

Music as a discipline includes the development of creative skills, non-verbal expression and aesthetic appreciation. Music enables students, including EAL (English as an additional language) students, to communicate in powerful ways that go beyond their spoken language ability. Through music, students can begin to construct an understanding of their environment, to recognize patterns and structure, and to develop their cultural awareness.

NB The subject annex of Making the PYP Happen: a curriculum framework for international primary education (2007) includes the strand of ‘Music in Society, ’ which addresses the role music plays in society and in diverse cultures, both historical and contemporary.

Overall expectations in music (Adapted from the PYP Music Scope and Sequence document)