Whittier Site Council

Whittier Site Council is comprised of parents, staff members and community members who meet once a month (the last Tuesday of every month) to

  • provide leadership in aligning school programs and goals with the School Improvement Plan
  • guide overall staffing, program and budget decisions
  • encourage broad participation from all members of the school community

Site Council meetings are open to the entire Whittier community.  

If you have a question, issue or concern that you would like the Council to address, please contact WhittierSite.Council@mpls.k12.mn.us.


The Next Whittier Site Council meeting: Tuesday, January 26, 6pm-8pm, via Zoom 

Please join us for our November Whittier Site Council meeting. All are welcome to attend, and your voices are critical as we begin the process of planning our transition to a Community School.

The Agenda:   TBD

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 841 9105 5926

Passcode: 6Xn9Jg  


La próxima reunión del Consejo del Sitio de Whittier: 26 de enero, de 6 p.m. a 8 p.m., a través de Zoom

Únase a nosotros para nuestra reunión del Consejo del Sitio de Whittier en noviembre. Todos son bienvenidos y sus voces son críticas mientras comenzamos el proceso de planificación de nuestra transición a una escuela comunitaria.

La agenda:  a ser informado

Unirse a la reunión de Zoom


Meeting ID: 841 9105 5926 

Passcode: 6Xn9Jg  


Shirka Golaha Goobta ee Whittier Next: January 26, 6 pm-8pm, iyada oo loo marayo Zoom

Fadlan nagu soo biir kulankeena Golaha Goobta November Whittier. Dhammaantood waa lagu soo dhaweynayaa inay kaqeyb galaan, codkaaguna waa mid xasaasi ah markaan bilaabayno howsha qorshaynta u guuritaanka Iskuulka Beesha

Ajandaha:   in la go'aamiyaa

Ku soo biir Kulan Zoom


Meeting ID: 841 9105 5926 

Passcode: 6Xn9Jg