2021 / 2022 Testing Calendar Schedules

Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, standardized testing has been modified. FAST (fall and winter), CogAT will not be provided for the 2020-21 school year. Access and MCA testing calendars are still scheduled but will be changed and/or modified in case if needed.

MPS Assesment Calendar

MPS Assesment Page


MCA Testing Update:  Per MDE guidance, MCA testing must be completed in person during the state determined testing window for approximately 20,000 students in grades 3-12. MPS plans to administer the MCA/MTAS from April 12-May 7.

  • MCA/MTAS for reading is administered to students in grades 3-8 and grade 10;
  • MCA/MTAS for mathematics is administered in grades 3-8 and grade 11; and
  • MCA/MTAS for science is administered in grades 5, 8, and HS.

The MCA/MTAS tests cannot be done remotely. In-person students will take the test during the regular school day. Testing for Distance Learners will take place across multiple days for students in grades 3-12, and bussing from home to school and from school back home will be provided.  The exact calendar will become available after Spring Break.

Tentative MCA Timeline:

  • February 24: Communicate to families, via Family Update
  • March 3-4: Testing materials arrive in schools
  • March 1-19: MCA Survey goes to families
  • March 19: The LAST date that surveys will be accepted for transportation requests for families intending to test in person who are eligible and need district transportation for testing
  • March 22-26: Testing coordinators attend MCA training
  • March 22-April 2: Testing coordinators create site-based testing schedule based on the number of families who confirmed they intend to participate in in-person testing
  • April 12: The earliest date that MPS will begin assessing students (subject to change depending on the scale of students whose families intend to participate in in-person testing)
  • May 7: MCA Reading/Math, and MTAS Reading/Math/Science testing window closes
  • May 14: MCA Science testing window closes

Should you desire to OPT OUT of these required tests, please complete this form.