Our school-based mental health program serves as a model for linking school systems to community mental health services. This unique collaboration is the foundation of our services, which are designed to support and enhance education outcomes for students at risk. We partner with Minneapolis Public Schools and Hennepin County to operate mental health clinics at 12 locations in South and North Minneapolis.
School-based mental health services offer much greater accessibility to those students who need care, and whose complex needs are often beyond the scope of a teacher’s training. Over 50 percent of students referred for services have never received mental health care, despite the evidence of need. With therapy, students have shown a decrease of mental health symptoms and fewer school suspensions. Embedding therapists in school environments has proven to be a unique and sustainable resource that allows school personnel, families, and mental health professionals to create a network of support around students. School-based services also allow students to be seen in their daily environments, which enhances the work a therapist can do with children and families. Our overall goal is to help students realize their strengths within a safe and supportive environment.
Students needing services can be identified by parents, teachers or social workers. If you are concerned about the emotional health of a student, please contact your School Social Worker, who will begin the referral process. Guardians and caregivers are an instrumental part of a student’s positive emotional development and will be invited to meet with the therapist on a regular basis.
Your School Social Workers at Whittier are: Tasha Novotny: 612-293-5505, tasha.novotny@mpls.k12.mn.us and Laura Sanchez Garcia: 612-668-4183, laura.sanchezgarcia@mpls.k12.mn.us
We are committed to providing services to every child in our community and we accept most insurance plans. For those who do not have insurance, we offer services through alternative funding options, as well as a sliding fee option.
Services are currently being provided via telehealth (video), outside, or occasionally in office with safety protocols such as masks and distancing. [Fall 2020]
Click here to go to the Whittier School Social Workers Website.