Whittier School Social Worker

The social worker has a multi-faceted role in the school setting: mental health consultant, assessment and planning support, collaborative member of multidisciplinary teams, and connecting families/students to community resources. 

As stated on the Minnesota School Social Workers Association website, “School social workers help remove barriers to academic success by: partnering with administration, supporting teachers, serving students, engaging families and collaborating with outside agencies.”

Pre-K – 2nd grade:  Ms. Laura Sanchez Garcia, School Social Worker 

Leave a voicemail for Laura at 612-668-4183 (checked once per day) or email her at laura.sanchezgarcia@mpls.k12.mn.us


3rd - 5th Grades: Ms. Tasha Novotny, School Social Worker

Leave a NON-urgent voicemail for Tasha at 612-668-4177 (checked once per day); you can also call or text her at 612-293-5505 or email her at tasha.novotny@mpls.k12.mn.us


For more information about our Whittier School Social Workers please click here!

PARENT RESOURCE REQUEST FORM - We at Whittier acknowledge that this year has been extremely difficult for many of us as we have coped with the COVID-19 Pandemic, the murder of George Floyd, and the ensuing unrest in our Minneapolis communities. We know these local and worldwide issues have created a great deal of anxiety and stress for our families. If you are interested in resources or support please complete this form and one of our school social workers or interns will be in touch with you.

There are more resources for you at the MPS Caring Corner.


For our American Indian families, please feel free to contact indianed@mpls.k12.mn.us.  There are licensed social workers and counselors on staff for our American Indian families.