Phillips Eye Institute Eye Exams and Glasses

Under the E.Y.E. Community Initiative, your child will receive an exam by an eye doctor, and any necessary treatment – including eyeglasses. If you do not have insurance, or your insurance does not cover these expenses, you will not be charged for these services. The cost of your exam, treatment and glasses will be paid for by the E.Y.E. Community Initiative through the generosity of donors.

A través de E.Y.E. Community Initiative, su hijo/a tendrá un examen por un oftalmólogo (doctor de los ojos), y cualquier tratamiento que sea necesario – incluyendo anteojos. Si usted no tiene seguro médico, o si éste no cubre este tipo de gastos, usted no tendrá que pagar por estos servicios. El costo de su examen, tratamiento y anteojos será pagado por E.Y.E. Community Initiative.

Nyob rau qhov uas the E.Y.E. Community Initiative, koj tus me nyuam yuav tau kev saib xyuas los ntawm tus kws kho qhov muag, thiab yuav saib mus rau qhov uas tsim nyog kho qhov muag los yuav tau kho raws li coj iab qhov muag. Yog tias koj tsis muaj daim ntawm kho mob los sis koj ntawm kho mob nws tsis them cov nqis, ces koj yuav tsis raug them rau cov nqis ib yam. Cov nqis nrog rau cov iab qhov muag mus rau qhov uas lawv pab kho qhov muag los yuav them los ntawm The E.Y.E. Community Initiative.

Qorshaha Gargaarka Bulshada EYE oo u xilsaaran, ilmahaagu wuxuu heli doonaa baaris dhakhtarka indhaha, iyo wixii kale ee daawayn lagama maarmaan ah oo ay ku jirto muraayadaha indhaha Hadii aadan lahayn caymis caafimaad, ama caymiskaada uusan daboolayn kharashka, laguguma yeelanayo kharashka adeega. Qiimaha kharashka baaristaada, daawaynta iyo ookiyaalaha waxaa bixin doona Mashruuca Gargaarka Bulshada (E.Y.E.).

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Hmong: 612.775-8646